Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Myself as a crone

I describe myself as a crone, because at 55 I am nearing the end of my menstrual cycle.
Even though have had an hysterectomy, I still go through the ‘silent journey’, I feel and react as a crone, so I am doing my best to embrace this period of my life that is so rarely celebrated.

The Crone, is described as the dark mother of time, she is in the last aspect of the woman’s cycle of life, where we had the maiden, the mother and now the crone.
In our society youth and beauty has so much adoration, respect and even abuse.
The crone’s aspect is often misunderstood, feared and neglected as she represent decay and eventually death, which is inevitable of all nature.
As a grandmother, an old mother and a wife, I still consider myself as a nurturer, way past child bearing years and still someone whose wisdom and soul healing powers comforts are sought after by others going through life’s hardship and transitions.
I dream dreams, my intuitions are strong, I use herbs, I brew teas and I lean towards the natural form of healing. My 'chi' is strong!!

Such a women, if assertive the middle Ages was considered a wicked witch and an hagged archetype of our fairytales. For her knowledge and wisdom she was persecuted by people’s fear.
She is associated with the colour black, the waning or new moon, Autumn and Winter, change, quitting of a regular job that absorb her time, devorces, transformation and death, all extremely negative.

The Crone women are wonderful to call upon to help you deal with the menopause, change or to help face your own mortality.
She can help you remember the cycles of life if you are experiencing a loss.
She can help you face your deepest fears,
She can encourage you to be wild and free,
She show us our strength and courage us all.
She has her experiences which she is willing to share.

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