Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Went to the gym today when I really didn't feel like it.....and the whole time I was thinking.......
But I know I have to pump those weights and stretch those biceps but man I can get sooo hot!! and I don't mean that in a greeeat way LOL!!
Well not to compain they say the more I excerise and lose this baggage.... the better I will feel.....I been waiting 10 years!!! already, mind, I have been getting bigger and bigger so I guess ......... it's time for change! Nite nite

Menopause the musical!

Hello it's been a while!! But I have been surfing all over the place LOL!!! Well anyhooe.....look at this, it's as if someone had been reading my mind!! Why oh why is this not in Holland!! http://www.menopausethemusical.com/show-info/